{{ Person.FirstName }},
The following {{ Workflow.WorkflowType.Name }} requires action:
{{ Workflow.WorkflowType.WorkTerm }}:
{{ Workflow.Name }}
{% assign RequiredFields = false %}
{% for attribute in Action.FormAttributes %}
{% if attribute.IsVisible and attribute.Value != '' %}
{{ attribute.Name }}:
{% if attribute.Url and attribute.Url != '' %}
{{ attribute.Value }}
{% else %}
{{ attribute.Value }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if attribute.IsRequired and attribute.Value == Empty %}
{% assign RequiredFields = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if Action.ActionType.WorkflowForm.IncludeActionsInNotification == true %}
{% if RequiredFields != true %}
{% for button in Action.ActionType.WorkflowForm.Buttons %}
{% capture ButtonLinkSearch %}{% raw %}{{ ButtonLink }}{% endraw %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture ButtonLinkReplace %}{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'InternalApplicationRoot' }}WorkflowEntry/{{ Workflow.WorkflowTypeId }}?WorkflowGuid={{ Workflow.Guid }}&action={{ button.Name }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture ButtonHtml %}{{ button.EmailHtml | Replace: ButtonLinkSearch, ButtonLinkReplace }}{% endcapture %}
{% capture ButtonTextSearch %}{% raw %}{{ ButtonText }}{% endraw %}{% endcapture %}
{% capture ButtonTextReplace %}{{ button.Name }}{% endcapture %}
{{ ButtonHtml | Replace: ButtonTextSearch, ButtonTextReplace }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}