{% capture today %}{{ 'Now' | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}{% endcapture %} {% capture occurrenceDate %}{{ Occurrence | Date:'yyyyMMdd' }}{% endcapture %} {% capture attendanceLink %}{{ 'Global' | Attribute:'PublicApplicationRoot' }}page/368?{{ Person.ImpersonationParameter }}&GroupId={{ Group.Id }}&Occurrence={{ Occurrence | Date:'yyyy-MM-ddTHH\%3amm\%3ass' }}{% endcapture %} Hi {{ Person.NickName }}, send us your Wherehouse small group attendance.
{% if today == occurrenceDate %}

Hi {{ Person.NickName }}!
we can’t wait to see you tonight

{% else %}

Hi {{ Person.NickName }},

{% endif %}

Please remember to enter attendance for your Wherehouse small group {% if today == occurrenceDate %}tonight.{% else %}{% if today > occurrenceDate %}that met on {{ Occurrence | Date:'dddd' }}. If you didn’t meet, no problem! Just take attendance, and mark we did not meet to let us know.{% else %}that meets on {{ Occurrence | Date:'dddd' }}.{% endif %}{% endif %}

Enter Attendance